Archive for March, 2017

Nyepi Ogoh-Ogoh parade in Selat Duda, Karangasem, Bali

Tuesday, March 28th, 2017
Nyepi Ogoh-Ogoh Bali 2017

Balinese customs: papier mâché monsters to drive out the evil spirits at New Year.  This huge creation creation is carried on a raft of bamboo poles, carried by children who belong to the Banjar (community ) who created it.

Balinese hildren carry the Ogoh-Ogoh they have made to drive out the evil spirits before Nyepi - quiet day throughout all of Bali

Ogoh-Ogoh parade in Bali at Nyepi

Ogoh-Ogoh with boobs like papayas!



Gruesome Ogoh-Ogoh in Bali 2017 - Balinese custom at Nyepi

Ogoh-Ogoh at Nyepi in Bali

Balinese customs: papier mâché monsters to drive out the evil spirits at New Year. Around 20 Banjars in the area all submitted Ogoh-Ogoh, which are carried by the children and young people who made them using a bamboo raft of poles.

Nyepi in Bali - Ogoh-Ogoh

Balinese monsters to drive out the evil spirits at Nyepi